The plot of the series revolves around a serial murderer named Jigsaw Killer, a dying vigilante who kidnaps his victims and places them in deadly traps to test them and give them an opportunity to repent from their former lifestyles in which they took their lives for granted. It is his way of teaching them to appreciate and value their own lives. The series typically consists of small traps that are resolved within a short length of time and lay foundation for a larger trap which occupies most of the time of the movie. Each movie tends to conclude with a twisted ending that wraps things up, but also creates more questions to be answered in the following film.
Many viewers considered Saw more than just a bloody horror film. It has a well-blended elements of crime, thriller and mystery. It has so much unexpected bloody and sadistic scenes, wherein victims need to cut some of their body parts, blow some heads using a semi-mouse trap gadgets and other unimaginable bloody crimes. If you were in their place, you would rather choose to die easily than to find way to escape and sacrifice some parts of your body or kill others just to survive...coz in the end, you'll be surprised that you'll end up just like them. In this situation, death is a shortcut for everything.